Top Three Exercises for Back Pain (SI Joint Pain)

Single Knee to Chest Isometric
Patient is instructed to begin lying on their back. The patient will bring one leg straight and bend the opposite leg; bringing their knee to their chest. Patient will interlock their fingers around the knee that is brought to the chest, followed by pushing the knee/leg down toward their hands (against the resistance) to a tolerable level. Patient will hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat for 10 repetitions.

Isometric Hip Adduction with a Ball
Patient is instructed to begin lying on their back with their knees bent (hook-lying position). Patient will position a medium sized ball between their knees prior to beginning the exercise. Patient will first brace the lower torso by contracting the abdominals and lower back muscles, followed by pushing the knees together to a level of tolerance and holding for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated for 10 repetitions.

Hip Abduction with Resistance
Patient is instructed to begin lying on their back with their knees bent (hook-lying position). Patient will place a band of choice around their knees prior to beginning the exercise.

Patient will first brace the lower torso by contracting the abdominals and lower back muscles, followed by pushing the knees apart against the resistance. The patient will hold the position for 3 seconds before returning to the starting position. The exercise will be repeated for 10 repetitions.

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